There's an awful lot of confusion out there about what a real time auto insurance lead actually is. At the insurance agents that purchase a real time auto insurance lead will get their leads within minutes of the potential customer filling out the questionnaire. After all isn't that what real time means? However, you need to realize that many of the services out there do not actually provide real time auto insurance leads.
Individuals looking for the best auto insurance rates will go to the internet and start shopping. These potential customers fill out a questionnaire on our auto insurance site. Unlike driving around looking or phoning around looking for the best rates, there are no time restrictions. The internet is never closed so these questionnaires are filled out 24 hours a day as individual insurance shoppers seek rate quotes.
When a potential customer submits a questionnaire, our server receives it. Within just seconds it will undergo stringent quality control thanks to the very sophisticated state of the art system we have in place. We will get bogus leads with a phone number or email address that are not properly entered but are system is so sophisticated it instantly finds these leads and rejects them, which means you'll never see them.
Sometimes we get people that are just filling out the form because they have nothing better to do - those leads will be rejected too. We don't want to be forwarding these useless leads onto you, so that's why we are so diligent about checking the content of these questionnaires. But these checks take place in just seconds because of the speed of our servers and our system.
Simultaneously our system verifies telephone numbers and email addresses. Some companies take hours sometimes days to conduct their email verifications because they have very slow servers and limited systems. Not us - we use the fastest, most efficient equipment with the best technology and software that money can buy - which is why our "real time auto insurance leads" are just that - real time.
You've already set up your lead profile so once all the verifications are made the lead is instantly sent off to you which means you'll have your lead in minutes.
Some auto insurance lead provides tell you that there could be delays of hours, sometimes days because of the volumes they do and that they might sometimes be seen as junk mail because of those volumes. Our system is much more sophisticated so we don't have those delays. After all your potential customers want the convenience of a quick quote.
This is the process that goes into a real time auto insurance lead. So you see it's not really "real time" for many of the auto insurance lead companies but at "real time" means just that - right now - within minutes of the actual request for a quote being received.
Now you know just what a real time auto insurance lead is. It's a very helpful tool for building your business and one thing's for sure you should not be running your business without using real time auto insurance leads.
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