As an insurance agent you wear many hats. But what's really the best part about being an auto insurance agent? Most would agree it's the idea that you know your customer needs insurance if they are going to have a car on the road. It's not a purchase that's optional so if you are treating your customers well and your policies offer great coverage at a good price you can almost guarantee that you're going to have a repeat customer and they'll be little need for you to close a sale. But for those that want to grow their business more, qualified auto insurance leads are very important.
Being an agent is a competitive business so you'll want to find your own niche so that you can take your business to the next level. The best way to do that is ensure that you have ongoing qualifiedauto insurance leads. The combination of an established cliental that almost sells itself with new leads that will bring in new blood gives you the recipe for success.
Here's the dilemma most agencies find themselves in. A client buys a policy and most times you don't see or hear from them until its time to renew their policy, or if they have an accident. That means your staff likely has ample time on their hands where they are twiddling their thumbs. They'll be bored and you'll be loosing money because time is money. So if you have a continuous inflow of qualified auto insurance everybody wins. The office remains busy, spirits are high, staff is happy, and so are you because you're making money.
The only question left is where do you find a continuous flow of qualified auto insurance leads? Actually it's not nearly as difficult as you might think.
One way to find leads is by referral. Get in touch with your current clients and ask them to refer friends. Perhaps you can offer a draw with an entry for each referral or some other method to entice them. When they come into renew make sure to remind them to tell friends and family about you.
There's another great way to find qualified leads. Look for companies that specialize in doing nothing else other than finding targeted qualified leads that you can turn into sale quickly. It's quick, easy, and affordable.
There are several companies offering this service. Be sure to do your research since all companies are not created equal. Take for example,, which spends more than $200,000 a month to market, their services on the search engines. That translates into plentiful, fresh leads that they distribute to clients like you, based on your criteria.
When you have quality auto insurance leads, you have the opportunity to make a lot of sales, and those new clients will become those easy repeat sales each year and so your business continues to grow and prosper. The only question is - what are you waiting for? Why not start generating qualified auto insurance leads today?
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